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Common Sense Economic Development and Tucson/Atlantic Consulting have jointly created AEROready™, an analytics and on-the-ground research based process to analyze any community’s potential to recruit aerospace. The process identifies strengths and weaknesses, provides a detailed competitive roadmap to recruit aerospace, and certifies the qualifying community or a site/building as AEROready™.

Chuck Sexton, President & CEO at One East Kentucky, said this of our AEROready™ process: “The AEROready™ certification is critical to our strategic planning efforts for long-term economic diversity and immediately impacted our recruitment efforts by helping us obtain dozens of meetings with aerospace and aviation industry executives.” Chuck’s region earned AEROready™ certification in 2016. On April 26, 2017 the Ashland Alliance, also certified as AEROready™ and a partner of One East Kentucky in the Appalachian Sky organization, announced the $1.3 billion Braidy Industries aerospace/automotive project.

Information on AEROready™ certified communities, why the process and potential certification are important, and how to contract for services can be found at

Robert Ingram
Common Sense Economic Development, LLC


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