Over 1200 factors important to companies seeking new facility locations have been identified by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). A full listing, organized by 25 topic-specific spreadsheets, can be found at www.iedconline.org. These factors include a large percentage of the information companies might consider when performing a site location search. The importance of any single factor, or even any single spreadsheet, depends on the nature of the location search, in particular, the factors which are most important to the success (often the profitability) of the project.
Non-direct profit related items such as image, aesthetics or quality of life factors may also be relevant in a site location decision. Today most states and communities utilize some type of site certification criteria to minimize risk for those in search of new locations. This ensures that environmental, wetland, soil borings, archaeological and endangered species assessments have been completed by appropriate engineering personnel, or others with experience in the field.
Site certification assessments generally take availability of needed utilities under consideration. While these essential reviews and certifications are extremely important in most site location decisions, they do not often address equally important issues related to the marketability of sites and communities, or their ability to satisfy a distinct need of specific industries- such as aerospace/air related companies.
AEROready™ Certification was created to directly address factors critical to the success of aerospace/aviation operations, and to site searches related to same.

AEROready™ is more than a certification. Data analyzed in the report is a great recruiting tool for a targeted Aerospace section on your website. But the analysis also presents information to help communities identify aerospace prospects, provides a recruiting plan and a SWOT analysis related to your community’s potential to recruit aerospace.
AEROready™ differentiates a certified community from its competition in regard to aerospace prospects.
It reduces risk to aerospace companies seeking sites, as the most critical location factors have already been analysed.
Aerospace equals high pay, high tech and fast growth.
AEROready™ Certification will help get you there.